Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Attack of the killer drones!

It’s hard to believe that a whole week has gone by. Except for the line dancing incident it’s been normal week. You can’t be in vacation mode all the time and we mixed the week up with some chores and relaxation.

We saw a couple good movies; we went to Clermont to see The Imitation Game and watched Hollywoodland on DVD.

The Imitation Game is the story of Alan Turing, the mathematician who developed the computer with which the British were able to decipher German coded messages during WW2. Millie and I both scored this movie a 9 on our 1 to 10 scale, we highly recommend it.

Hollywoodland is the story of actor George Reeves who played Superman back in the 50’s. It was told in flashback and intertwined with Reeves’s acting struggles there is another story line told by a private investigator looking into Reeves’s mysterious death. Millie and I rated it 5 and 6.5.

Millie had an interesting day on Saturday. She attended an eight hour class on Genealogy. She knew before we left home the class was being offered here at the campground and brought a folder of family information. She has converted the bedroom dressing table into an office and has been busy organizing her family history.

Tomorrow we move 70 miles south to the other Thousand Trails Campground for a one week stay. After that we start our southern Florida adventure which will take us all the way to Key West.

PS: It wasn’t me! I still have my drone! I couldn’t help but laugh when the news broke of the unauthorized intrusion into White House airspace and crash landing of a drone on the lawn. I’m really surprised the Secret Service didn’t try to take credit for shooting it down. Truth is this model drone is notorious for being carried away in the slightest breeze. Oh and I think yobama is safe from attack; other than the camera it is equipped with, the drone can’t carry any payload. In fact one of the tricks to increase performance is to lighten the load by removing the little plastic blade guards.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Real men don’t line Dance!

This past Friday night Millie and I went to a dance at the campground activity center. We were looking forward to it as the band "Pure Country Gold" is one of the best making the snowbird circuit. Unfortunately for us the dance floor was comandered by line dancers leaving little or no room for couples. I was so irritated the next day I wrote a two page rant about it. It is rather harsh so I sat on it for 24 hours. Reading it again this morning, it is what it is.

Real men don’t line Dance!

Unfortunately today’s blog won’t be written from my usual happy go lucky perspective. No, today I must get up on my soapbox and speak against a plague that has been slowly spreading across the country. In the past year it’s reached epidemic proportions and I’m sad to report may be at its tipping point. Yes, dance halls all across America may never again see couples gracefully gliding across the floor, nor swishing skirts as men swing their ladies to livelier tunes. Not even slow dances are safe from the relentless hordes that shamelessly overrun dance floors.

No, this is atrocity is not a flash mob, wayward aerobics class or even midnight shoppers from Fergusson Missouri. The infected souls, seemingly normal by light of day are transformed into puppet like minions when exposed to music. They then attempt synchronized movements which look to the casual observer not unlike a march of zombies. Not since the apostles of Jim Jones have I seen such bizarre behavior. At least these sad folks are just lining up for public ridicule and not Cool Aid. The sad thing about this mess is they think their choreographed prancing is actual dancing and in fact have named it….Line Dancing.

I’m not a historian on the subject but I suspect its origins came from white people’s weddings. It’s a known fact that most white men have very little rhythm, those who can dance have had to work very hard at learning it. Most, knowing they have some anonymity in a crowded floor take the easy way out and just fake it. This is made easier with an alcohol bracer which also explains the tradition of open bars at weddings.

The wedding reception combination of alcohol and mob mentality leads to some bizarre behavior; and thus was born….the Chicken Dance! Over the decades thousand of men have left the safety of the masses to snake out of the crowd in a line of revelers attempting a coordinated promenade. I paint no more; you’ve all seen the picture at countless weddings.

 At the same time the Chicken dance was evolving women started a movement not only at weddings but everywhere dancing notes were played. Frustrated with the lack of talented male dancers they started dancing with other women. WASP social standards as they are in the US, women had to dance a fine line on physical contact. Women with women was acceptable for dances with limited touching like “The Bop” or even the ‘Polka”. But, for slower dances where couples embrace, women had to invent something else and it was the line dance. 

 Right now I imagine I’ve raised some skepticism, but ask yourself this question. When was the first time you saw a line dance? Ten will get you twenty it was at a wedding and it was all women. This was readily accepted for several reasons; gyrating women are nice to look at and it saved the nonperforming men from embarrassing themselves. Their numbers were small and they didn’t infringe on floor space needed by traditional dancing couples so everybody was happy.

 Somewhere along the line the “Chicken Dance” men got the misguided notion that if they joined the line dancing women they would all look like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. This is really ironic because the women only started the line dance because the dump assed men wouldn’t or couldn’t dance with them. Men, I hate to be one to break the bad news, but it’s not working. You’ll never look like Fred if your best move is the puppet promenade. 

This is the story of line dancing as I see it. I wouldn’t have a problem with it had it not morphed into the dance floor gobbling amalgamation that we are experiencing today. As I said earlier it may be too late to stop the assault but I have to try. It’s going to be short and painful.

Line Dancing men……You look like idiots!

If you can’t dance with a partner you can’t line dance either. I’ve yet to see a man line dancing who didn’t remind me of a Howdy Doody puppet.

By now I know I’ve rustled a few feathers, but before you say I don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s fun, blah, blah, just stop. I have done coordinated line demonstrations, forty some years ago I received free line dance lessons courtesy of the US Army. My instructor was a demented SOB named Sergeant Torres who instilled the finer points of synchronized movement in a dance called “Military Drill”. I’m sure you’ve at least heard some terms of this parade, right shoulder arms, parade rest, attennn..tion! We even learned the military version of the chicken dance in a strut called “Forced Marches.” We did it to such tunes as “I want to be an airborne ranger….I want to live a life of danger!” and “your left, your left, your left right left.”

Line Dancing wasn’t all that much fun then and in the 45 years since I’ve never been inclined to revisit it.

I doubt there is much anyone can really do to halt the invasion of dancing zombie hordes and I’m going to end my rant now.  But seriously, I want to leave men, especially those struggling with line dancing temptation, this bit of wisdom and maybe, just maybe I can save one or two. 

Dancing should be a contact sport. If you’re not holding a girl in your arms, then it’s just not worth doing! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Life is great here in sunny Florida!

Saturday was yard sale day here at the campground and we participated. You sign up at the activity center before hand and on Friday afternoon they print the list of campsites offering garage sale items. Saturday morning sale enthusiasts, location list in hand make the rounds on foot, bike, cars and even mobility scooters. I set out some stuff on our picnic table at 8am and by noon when I got tired of talking we had made $65+\-. Not bad for a mornings work!

In the evening we went to the activity center for some musical entertainment. We had no clue what kind of act we would see, this was the first time we have seen Time…Squared. The musical duo Gayle and Robert Cohen are professional musicians who specialize in custom designed shows for targeted audiences. They pride themselves in offering a variety of music from Broadway and Big Band, to R&B and Jazz.


I’m sure you can see which direction this is going; as most of the target audience was retired snowbirds. I’m sure my grandchildren would not have recognized any of the old tunes. The musical duo was very good however, and we enjoyed it enough to stay for the whole performance.

Sunday we went to Clermont and saw the movie Taken3 starring Liam Neilson. Fun movie, lots of action, shoot em ups, etc!

Monday is Webster flea market day. This is about the biggest open air market I’ve ever seen; I seriously don’t think you can see everything in one day. Before you say, yeah we have a flea market, let me ask you this. Can you get a full body massage laying on a table in full view of everyone walking by? Does your flea Market have a used car salesman who looks so shady at first I thought it was a joke? Does it have full sized stuffed alligators? These are just a few of the oddities you will see at Webster’s. 

Blingo the used car salesman. He was wearing black and was backlite by bright sunshine so I had to alter the color of the picture to bring out his details.

You just can't make this stuff up!

It’s about 35 miles from the campground to Webster so we left early and arrived around 9am. About five hours and who knows many walked miles latter we were worn out. Millie bought many individual purchases, a little here a little there. I saved all my buying power for a single purchase, something I’ve been thinking about for a while. I bought a radio control quad copter with a HD video and still frame camera. I charged the battery today and will test fly it tomorrow.

Monday evening we went to the activity center and attended a sales presentation for a RV caravan tour of the Canadian Maritimes. We are already signed up for the tour in 2016 but I had booked it on the internet and we wanted to see the slide show presentation and ask the presenter a few questions. BTW, our Friends from New York, Clay and Rebecca just signed on and will be going on the 27 day tour with us.

Life is great here in sunny Florida!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Orlando Florida

We moved to the huge 850 site Thousand Trails campground on Wednesday. This park is always filled to capacity with snowbirds in the winter. Everyday some RV’s leave and are then replaced by new arrivals. The campground has a procedure in place that coordinates all the coming and going that works very well.

The process centers around a large wall map of the campground, an attendant constantly adjusts magnets to signify which sites are open or occupied. By order of arrival you get your pick of available sites. Most of us snowbirds have been here before and know what section we would like to be in, or which specific sites are better, or sometimes an area near friends. 

The challenge is going thru the check in process and getting a site of your choosing. Many people have strategies such as arriving at certain times of the day, or going into the campground early and making lists of sites that will be vacated on their check in day.

I no long practice any methodology; with all the coming and going which sites will be open when you get to the board is a big crap shoot! I just get there when I get there on our check in day, wait my turn and most of the time when it is my turn at the board there is a site in the area that we like.

Wednesday was no exception; the office had maybe 6 or 8 people milling about waiting for some specific site to open up. I walked up to the board, made a circle around our desired section and said I’d like something in this area. The whole area was covered in little round magnets indicating occupied sites. The board attendant pointed to one in the middle and said C-11 is open. I said, “I’ll take it.” Once again my no strategy approach worked perfectly. I left to move onto my site, leaving the pickier snowbirds still in the office looking bewildered.

Wednesday afternoon we walked over to the activity center and while we were standing there looking over the scheduled events a guy walked up and stuck 4 free admission tickets to the Tampa RV Show to the board and said help yourself.

We had planned on purchasing two new folding chairs and the Show seemed like a good place to look for them. The Tampa show is billed as The Super Show and it is something to experience. It is held at the state fairgrounds and fills the entire complex. It is the largest RV show I’ve ever seen. We paid a reasonable $6.00 for parking and found a parking space in the nether regions of the fairgrounds. We didn’t wait for the trolley but walked about a mile to the Show entrance where we did indeed get in free. 

We walked every isle of both vendor buildings looking for folding chairs. We didn’t find anything that suited us. One of the problems was we couldn’t try out a lot of the display models as they were occupied by people using them as a rest stop. Not that I can blame them, the place was filled with retired baby boomers, most of them not in good enough physical condition to walk the vast fair grounds.

We looked at a few of the Hundreds of RV’s but just as casual window shoppers. We like the layout of our Winnebago just fine and it being paid for even better! Other than lunch we purchased from one of the carnival food vendors we left with our wallets intact.

On the way home we stopped at the nearby LazyDays RV dealership which is or was at one time the largest RV dealership in the US. We were there for chairs, didn’t see any we liked and left. Down the interstate to the next exit we stopped at Campers World where we finally found what we were looking for and at a reasonable price. We purchased two chairs.

Speaking of chairs, in response to the picture of me we used in the first blog posting our friends Clay and Rebecca send this picture of Clay sitting in front of his motorhome in Stuyvesant Falls, New York.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 2 - Florida

We only had a little over 200 miles to drive today so we slept in and let the fog burn off before leaving Georgia. As soon as we could we got off I-95 and drove the local roads down thru Florida. Highways 301 and 27 are in good condition with most of the recent construction completed and we enjoyed the day. The temperature rose as we descended the peninsula and by the time we stopped for lunch I was glad I had worn shorts today. In the afternoon the temperature reached 76 degrees and we put the air conditioner on, I love Florida in the winter!

Our reservation at the Orlando Thousand Trails RV Park is for Wednesday so we are spending the night at Lake Louisa State Park. Tomorrow we will move to Thousand Trails where we will stay for 14 days. This is a fun park with lots of scheduled activities to keep us busy. In addition I usually pedal my bicycle between 150 to 200 miles over the winter, Millie’s personal activity is the gym and she exercises almost every morning.

Those of you that know me well are aware of my dislike of cold weather. It’s more than displeasure, really cold weather hurts. I just don’t see the attraction to freezing to death, anyhow you can imagine how happy I am to be here in Warm and sunny Florida!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day one

It’s hard to believe but this edition of the Dispatch starts the fourth year Millie and I have been roaming the highways and byways of our great country. Regular blog followers know we aren’t on the road full time, we divide our time between our home in Myrtle Beach and where ever the road takes us. In 2012 we took our longest trip to date circumnavigating the country, 2013 was our New England trip and in 2014 toured the Gulf coast from Florida to Mexico and then continued on thru the southwest.

We start every year with winter in Florida and this year is no exception. Today is day one of the 2015 tour and we drove 300 miles from Myrtle Beach South Carolina to Brunswick Georgia. We saw fuel prices rise in South Carolina from $1.99 to $2.19; we stopped for fuel in Georgia and were surprised to get it for $1.80 just south of Savannah.

Our RON (That’s an old military acronym, Remain Over Night) for today is the Golden Isles RV Park. It’s a discount park for us, $15 using our Coast to Coast membership. The park appears (IMHO) to be a quick stopping spot for I-95 travelers and temporary home for transient workers. It has all we need, a safe quiet place to park with electric service to plug into.

The girls are good, they always are a little anxious the day before departure when we are packing. They know we’re leaving and don’t want to be left behind so they stay close to us. Once in get in the motorhome they feel secure again and act accordingly. 

We’re 29 miles from Florida, tomorrow the adventure continues!