Saturday, October 10, 2015

Salt Lake City

Wednesday October 7 2015

We've had a last minute change of plan and will skip Craters of the Moon National Park. These missed attractions don't bother us, we look at it as a reason to someday come back this way. We will drive straight to Salt Lake City today and stay at the KOA campground in the city. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir practice session on Thursday evening is open to the public and we want to attend. After setting up in the RV Park we drove the jeep to Costco and Kolhs, a combined shopping trip and familiarization tour of the area.

Thursday October 8 2015

There is a light rail commuter train stop right across the street from the campground that goes uptown with a stop at Temple Square. We will use the train for all our trips to Temple Square. The thirty five acre complex is beautifully landscaped and houses all things Mormon; library, museum, visitors center, The domed Tabernacle which is the home of the choir and the Salt Lake Temple, a six spired granite edifice which took the Mormon pioneers 40 years to build.

 We went first to the visitors center where we met our young missionary tour guides, one from Argentina and the other from Sweden. Note: the guided tours are not mandatory, but I recommend it.
Our enthusiastic hosts walked us around the Temple Square and into a few of the buildings while presenting us with the basic philosophy of the Mormon religion. 

Our guides didn't go into the history of Mormonism unless in reference to a question. After the tour, which lasts about ½ hour you can visit the museum and learn the history of the religion. After satisfying our curiosity in the museum we went next door to the Family Search Center.

The Mormon's maintain the worlds largest repository of genealogical records, they do it for religious reasons but share the knowledge with anyone. Millie has been researching her ancestry for some time and she wanted to utilize the Mormon database. In my family my fathers side has been researched and shared by another family member. My mothers side is somewhat of a mystery to me. My mothers parents both died when she was very young so I knew very little about them and nothing at all about older generations.

After researching for several hours we reluctantly called it quits for the day. We had to return to the RV Park to take care of our dog Maggie and to rest a while before returning for the choir recital.

Once again we took the short train ride uptown to the Temple Square. At exactly 7:30 the doors were opened and the large crowd was allowed to enter. For no particular reason we decided to go to the upper level and selected probably the best seats in the house, 1st row, center stage. The rehearsal is a semi formal affair, the choir was in robes but the orchestra was in street clothes, the conductor in shirt sleeves.

The choir sounded top notch to me, but the conductor would give direction after each hymn and sometimes stop them mid song. That meant we heard each song 2 or 3 times, but that was OK, the nearly 300 voices made each performance extraordinary.

Friday October 9 2015

We returned to the Family Search Center and researched for hours again today, both of us learning something new about our ancestors. Afterwards we enjoyed a fine dinner before once again riding the train back to the RV Park.

Saturday October 10 2015

Family Search Center again today, We learned how to transfer images from to Family Search today and finished up our research here in Salt Lake City. After lunch we drove out to the great Salt Lake, it's not very impressive but we can mark off another bucket list item. 

Just the facts:
4 nights @ KOA RV Park= $227.43
Fuel at Willard Utah Flying J= $$2.78 per gallon, 50 gallons, $139.41 total
Dinner in town= $36.
Lunch at Mexican resturant=$22.
Total miles drive=211
end of day odometer=67621

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