Saturday, November 7, 2015

Home again

Thursday November 5 2015

As a light fog was lifting this morning we departed Whitten Lake Corp of Engineers campground in Fulton, Mississippi. Back on route 78 (future I-22) we soon crossed the Alabama border and were on our way to Birmingham. I had an interesting experience there in the 1960's as a pallbearer in a military funeral. It was my first exposure to a black Southern Baptist church service. As if that wasn't cultural shock enough for a white boy from Delaware this funeral service had a reverend very much like Martin Luther King who really fired up the congregation. Who knows, maybe it was MLK?

Today's Birmingham visit was smooth sailing with light traffic and a quick fuel stop at Flying J. We picked up I-20 in Birmingham and continued on it though Alabama and soon crossed into Georgia. Our next obstacle was Atlanta, notorious for heavy traffic. Halfway through the city it started raining, I dropped back waiting for the inevitable traffic jam. The once smooth flowing traffic became a little erratic but we only slowed way down once and never stopped. East of the city the volume diminished and we again were rolling steadily in moderate traffic. The rain slowed to a nuisance drizzle most of the way to our last overnight stop of this trip, A.H. Stephens State Park. The park is named for the last vice president of the confederacy and it is a convenient stop between Atlanta and Augusta Georgia.

 Friday November 6 2015

We woke early and quickly started for home which is only 272 miles away. Having fueled last night we ran all the way to Myrtle Beach without stopping. Back in the city, we disconnected the jeep at a convenient parking lot, Millie took the car to the post office to pick up our mail, Maggie and I drove the motorhome the short distance to our home.

Saturday November 7 2015

This trip was different than all the others we've taken. Even though I like to travel with a loose itinerary and no RV Park Reservations we usually have a general idea which direction we are going. We did have a event filled route for the original summer plan we called the “Middle America Tour”, unfortunately we had to cancel when I needed shoulder surgery. This trip had two hard targets, Los Alamos and Las Vegas, how we got 2300 miles across the country was wide open.

Our meandering path west was planned one day at a time and ended up being a pretty cool trip. We enjoyed it and that's all that really matters. My only regret is not stopping in Branson Missouri for a few days. We had hoped to stop there on the way home but commitments mandated we come straight back.

We did get to mark off some items from our M.A. Tour itinerary like Yellowstone National Park, Durango Colorado, and Big Brutus in Kansas to name a few. We got to spent a total of 16 days with the family in Los Alamos and went to the Special Operations Association Reunion in Las Vegas which I haven't attended since 2005.

Our 15 year old motorhome performed admirably with no major problems. Any RV that bounces down the highways and byways while you're living in it is going to have things fail, we had nothing break that we couldn't fix ourselves. I did make a project list that I would like to complete in the near future, some are improvements, some preventive maintenance. We have a fun filled 2016 planned and don't want any surprises from the bus.

This trip is also the last planned outing for 2015 and I will send the complete blog to the printers soon. This will be our fourth book printed from our yearly blog. Millie and I enjoy looking back at our journeys and we hope you have enjoyed traveling along with us through our dispatches from the road!

Just the facts:
Average miles per gallon=7.1
Total Trip Mileage=6000+/-
Range of fuel cost per gallon= $1.80 to $2.99
Estimated total fuel cost=$2200
Note: Out west a lot of the fuel stations sell 86, 89 and 91 octane gasoline, but no 87 octane. Neither our jeep or motorhome will perform well with 86 octane. In these situations I had to upgrade to the 89 octane fuel.

RV Park cost per night ranged from $10 to $43
We spent a total of 58 nights on the road
We spent 16 nights at Kamp Kolman for free
We spent 12 nights at Thousand Trails for $15 per night
We spent 5 nights at Corp of Engineer CG's for $10-$12 @ night
We spent 4 nights in county or state parks for $16-$27 @ night
We spent 21 nights at commercial campgrounds for $12-$45 @ night
Our total cost for lodging=$1179

I have not kept track of our other expenses; food is about the same as we spend at home, eating most of our meals in the motorhome. Likewise with fuel for the jeep, it's about the same driving we would be doing at home.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Leaving Los Alamos

Monday November 2 2015

We said our goodbyes this morning and departed Los Alamos. Millie will fly out occasionally to see her New Mexico family, I don't know when we will be back out in the motorhome. I like visiting the western states but our travel calendar is filled for the next year. We will spend winter in Florida, spring and early summer at home in Myrtle Beach, In July we head north to Canada.

Today we drove across New Mexico and Texas, stopping overnight at a small campground just over the Oklahoma border. $12 for a water/elec/sewer hookup, plus it was a pull thru site so I didn't have to unhook the jeep. Zero TV reception and weak 3g broadband signal on my phone, this place is out in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday November 3 2015

As we continued on our journey eastward on I-40 we started listening to Bill O'Reilly's book, “Killing Kennedy”, it is very interesting. We stopped at a Loves Travel Center today for fuel and bought lunch at the Subway store there. They are having a bogo sale so our lunch only cost us $5.

After our break we continued driving, stopping around 4pm at Russellville Arkansas. We are camped for the night at a Corp of Engineers campground on the Arkansas River just south of town. With our America the Beautiful Senior Access Pass it only cost us $10 for the night.

After setting up the motorhome and feeding and walking Maggie we drove the jeep to a nearby Pizza Hut for Dinner. They were having a sale, two medium pizzas for $6.99 so we bought two, one chicken supreme in a deep dish crust and one chicken pineapple on hand tossed. Tasting from both of them for dinner we still have plenty for lunch tomorrow. We also ran into Walmart for a few items.

Wednesday November 4 2015

We stopped for fuel at Flying J before getting on the interstate and heading east across Arkansas. If we didn't have the audio book the ride would be getting boring, but the Kennedy story is occupying our minds as we roll along. Shortly after crossing the Mississippi river we stopped at another Flying J for lunch and to top off the fuel tank. Lunch was left over pizza, it tasted just as good today.

We arrived at our destination for the day early in the afternoon, We decided on a short run (300+ miles) today because once we cross the Alabama border there are no RV parks until you get to Birmingham and the ones there are not convenient to our route. We are parked for the night in another Corp of Engineers Park in Fulton Mississippi. As most all of the COE parks are, this is another very nice campground offering Electric and water for $10 with our senior pass. We are in a pull thru site and did not have to disconnect the jeep, dinner was left over pizza again. Like all COE parks this one is adjacient to a body of water, todays scenic view is of the Tennesse Tom Bigbee Waterway.